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Headless CMS vs Traditional CMS

In the realm of content management, choosing the right system can spell the difference between stagnation and innovation. Traditional Content Management Systems (CMS) have been the staple for years, but the emergence of Headless CMS has injected a new wave of possibilities. Let's dive into a spirited comparison and uncover why, in our opinion, Headless CMS takes the crown.

Unleashing Business Potential: 6 Benefits of Headless CMS

In the fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance their online presence, engage customers, and streamline content management. One such solution that has gained significant attention is the Headless Content Management System (CMS).

The Power of Headless CMS

In this digital age, content management frameworks are critical for efficient operations. Lets figure out the benefits of Headless CMS.

Headless CMS - Introduction

Welcome to the fascinating world of website development, where the term 'Headless CMS' has taken center stage.
Coding on mac

Enkel Storyblok + Next.js setup

Styrkorna av en Headless CMS är framhävda flertal gånger i våra artiklar. Idag ska vi se hur vi kan smidigt och enkelt bygga ditt innehåll i Storyblok och få den fungerande med Next.js
Digital agency

Vad är Headless CMS?

I denna artikel går vi igenom Headless CMS och vilka fördelar som det medför. Med hjälp av Headless CMS hjälper vi våra kunder att bygga sajter som är snabba, responsiva och sökmotorsoptimerade.
Case StockRepublic

StockRepublic - byggt med Next.js och Tailwind med Storyblok som headless CMS.

Vi på WILL & SKILL hjälpte StockRepulic med utveckling av deras sajt. Sajten byggdes med hjälp av Next.js, React, Vercel och Tailwind med StoryBlok som headless CMS. Det blev en snabb och effektiv utveckling som resulterade i en blixtsnabb sajt, med start SEO och som dessutom är enkelt att redigera.
Laptop with code

Easy Storyblok + Next.js Setup

The power of Headless CMS is highlighted several times in our articles. Today we will see how you can smoothly build your content using Storyblok and get your setup ready with Next.js.
Coding screen

StoryBlok vs WordPress

In the past few blogs, we've covered Headless CMS from different points, Headless eCommerce and Headless business value. Today we will see a real comparison between two of the most used CMS, one headless (StoryBlok) and one standard (WordPress), let's go.
Coding on roof

Headless CMS Business Value

You may be a company with cool products or services, but are currently dealing with low conversion rates and performance. The dev team are using old and complicated dev stacks that deliver very bad user experiences. If so, you're in the right place, today we're going to discuss the business value of Headless CMS. Let's get started.
Screen in the dark

Why Your eCommerce Site Should Go Headless

If you're a developer or a customer, you might have heard about "Headless eCommerce". When we talk about eCommerce websites, we definitely need to mention performance, smooth navigation and fast rendering. So today we will talk about why you should choose a Headless CMS and Next.js solution for your eCommerce platform. Let's get started!

Yrkesdörren - Professionella matchningar

WILL & SKILL har spelat en central roll i utvecklingen av en innovativ matchningsplattform som syftar till att skapa en mer inkluderande arbetsmarknad. Denna plattform ger nyanlända i Sverige möjlighet att snabbt etablera ett professionellt nätverk och komma in på arbetsmarknaden med stöd av erfarna mentorer.
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