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StoryBlok vs WordPress

In the past few blogs, we've covered Headless CMS from different points, Headless eCommerce and Headless business value. Today we will see a real comparison between two of the most used CMS, one headless (StoryBlok) and one standard (WordPress), let's go.
Coding on roof

Headless CMS Business Value

You may be a company with cool products or services, but are currently dealing with low conversion rates and performance. The dev team are using old and complicated dev stacks that deliver very bad user experiences. If so, you're in the right place, today we're going to discuss the business value of Headless CMS. Let's get started.
Screen in the dark

Why Your eCommerce Site Should Go Headless

If you're a developer or a customer, you might have heard about "Headless eCommerce". When we talk about eCommerce websites, we definitely need to mention performance, smooth navigation and fast rendering. So today we will talk about why you should choose a Headless CMS and Next.js solution for your eCommerce platform. Let's get started!
Man and computer

5 Qualities You Should Have as a Programmer

As a developer, having a solid technical side isn't the only thing you need to have to have a successful career. Communications, confidence and ambition, are all qualities that will definitely make you stand out as a programmer. So today we will present a few of them. Let's get started.

Top 5 React Libraries You Need to Use

With a massive user base, React.js is one of the most famous Javascript libraries around the globe for several significant reasons, such as React libraries. So in this article, we will discover the top 5 React libraries you should use as a React.js developer.
Coding in the dark

7 JavaScript ES6 Array Functions You must Know

Javascript latest versions provide us with many cool functions to build logic faster! So, today we're going to talk about 7 JavaScript array functions, for more code efficiency and less code complexity. Let's get started!

Why Use a Headless CMS Instead of Traditional CMS

Choosing between a Traditional CMS and a Headless CMS depends on your needs. A Headless CMS focuses on delivering content via APIs, offering flexibility, scalability, and speed. Traditional CMSs provide built-in templates and are user-friendly for non-tech users. Headless CMSs are ideal for fast performance and adaptable front-ends. They generally offer greater flexibility and efficiency for modern projects.
Desk in the dark

Cool Reservation Card UI Tutorial

Today we've decided to go with something different but cool. We are going to build a cool user interface, designed and inspired by @mauricio.bucardo.Using a combination of Next.js and Tailwindcss we will achieve a fast and well-optimised solution. Get ready, open your terminal and let's get creative.
Keyboard with light

6 Cool Features in Next.js

Next.js is a Javascript framework, empowered by React.js. Its brings out tons of brilliant and advanced features that take your digital product to another level. So here are some cool features about Next.js.
Clean desk

Make Your App Global and More Engaging with Locize in 10 Easy Steps!

Software companies and developers nowadays are aiming at the exact same goal, Which is to make their apps, website and software stand out and be used by millions of users!
Big screen

Top VS Code Extensions for Front-End Developers

Used by millions of developers around the world. Visual code studio is one of the best code editors in the industry for several reasons.
Workspace set up

Front-End LIA på en digitalbyrå

Christopher, 33 år och junior frontend-utvecklare, avslutar sin tvååriga utbildning på Nackademin och sin praktik på Will and Skill. Han har tidigare arbetat inom IT-administration och produktionsroller, samt drivit ett IT-bolag. Under sin utbildning har han samlat erfarenhet i React, TypeScript och andra webbutvecklingsteknologier. Under LIA-tiden har han fått erfarenhet av att arbeta med React och WordPress, samt nya ramverk som Next.js och backend-teknik som Django. Han uppskattar den strukturerade och stödjande arbetsmiljön på Will and Skill och ser fram emot att utveckla sina färdigheter ytterligare, särskilt inom Python och Django.